Selasa, 29 Desember 2009

Dengue fever

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Dengue fever (DB) or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) are acute febril disease found in tropical areas, with geographic distribution similar to malaria. The disease is caused by one of the four serotypes of the virus from the genus Flavivirus, family Flaviviridae. Each serotype is different enough so that no cross-protection and epidemics caused by several serotypes (hiperendemisitas) can occur. Dengue fever is spread to humans by the mosquito Aedes aegypti.
Things to do to stay healthy in order to avoid dengue fever, as follows:
1. Doing good habits, such as eating nutritious foods, regular exercise and adequate rest;
2. Entered a period of transition, note the cleanliness of the neighborhood and did 3M, which drained the tub, closed container that can hold water, and bury the things that can be used nests developments mosquito larva, even though buried in the former goods not good, because it can pollute the soil. It would be better if the former things are recycled;
3. Fogging or fumigation will only kill adult mosquitoes, while abate powder will kill larvae in the water. Both must be done to break the chains mosquito breeding;
4. Immediately give febrifuge for fever if the patient has a fever or high heat;
5. If signs of shock, immediately take the patient to the hospital.
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Elephant Feet disease (filariasis or elephantiasis) is a group of communicable diseases caused by Filaria worms that are transmitted through various types of mosquitoes. After being bitten by mosquitoes, parasites (larvae) will spread and when it comes to network systems evolved into lympa the disease.

This disease is chronic (chronic) and if not receiving treatment, can cause permanent disability in the form of enlarged legs, arms and genitals both women and men. Elephant Foot disease is not a deadly disease, however, for the patient may be something that feels shameful even to interfere with daily activities.

Elephant Feet disease generally found in many tropical regions. According to information from WHO, the order states that there are people develop the disease elephantiasis is South Asia (India and Bangladesh), Africa, the Pacific and the Americas. Recently many states also occur in Thailand and Indonesia (Southeast Asia).
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Typhus fever

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The disease is characterized by high fever is often attacked the children. Including a toddler. Unfortunately, many parents think little of typhoid. Many also still think, if you've got typhus, not going to hit again. In fact, wrong. Even more dangerous and can cause death.
The best way to deal with typhoid fever is to recognize the early symptoms of this disease. Include:
* A fever of more than a week
Usually seen during the day but at night the fresh high fever. Body temperature up and down.
* Diarrhea
Salmonella typhi bacteria also attack the gastrointestinal tract because it disturbed gastrointestinal tract. But in some cases, patients actually difficult bowel movement.
* Nausea Weight
Salmonella typhi bacteria gather in the liver, gastrointestinal tract, also in the lymph nodes. As a result, there was swelling and finally pressing the stomach, causing nausea.
* Vomiting
Because rasamual, automatic food can not go perfectly, and usually come out again through the mouth. Because it had to eat soft foods so easily digested. Also, spicy foods and containing soda should be avoided so that the digestive tract, which was cut to resting.
* Tongue dirty
The center of the white and red edges. Usually children will feel bitter tongue and tend to want to eat the sour-sour or spicy.
* Weakness, dizziness, and abdominal pain
* Impressed even indifferent blank
This occurs because of disturbances of consciousness. If the condition is getting worse, often unconscious / fainting.
* Sleep passive
Patients feel more comfortable when lying down or sleeping. During sleep, would passive (not much movement) with a pale face
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Asthma associated with a narrowing of the respiratory tract due to hiperaktifitas certain rasangan, which causes inflammation. Refinement is temporary. Asthma occurs because several factors. The main factor is allergic asthma triggers, such as allergic to flower pollen, dust, animal fur, smoke. Asthma can also occur in some people without a specific allergy. For example, if the person is doing sports or being in cold weather. Stress can also trigger asthma.
Mild asthma in the stage can be cured, but at the stage where the most frequent severe relapses every week, then asthma can not be cured but reduce the effects and symptoms with regular medication. Pengobatanpun not intended healing, but to reduce the symptoms of shortness of breath and coughing.
To treat asthma, need to know in advance its cause. Determining factors of asthma triggers are often far from easy. Allergic skin test can help determine the allergen (allergen) that trigger asthma. Currently the most important thing is to prevent asthma attacks. An asthma attack can be prevented from triggering factor is known and can be avoided. Avoid asthma triggers relapse, without the inevitable would be difficult to not attacked by asthma relapse.
In addition stamina is also important, so that terhidar flu can worsen asthma conditions. Eat regular and nutritious with a balanced menu. To help overcome the current condition of asthma. You when making the evaporation in a way to add 2-3 drops of fennel oil and eucalyptus oil into a bowl of hot water. Then slowly breathe fumes that arise do this several times a day. Especially during an asthma attack appeared.
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Infectious bronchitis often begins with symptoms such as runny nose, ie runny nose, fatigue, chills, backache, muscle aches, mild fever and sore throat.
Coughing is usually a sign of the beginning of bronchitis. In the beginning was not coughing up phlegm, but 1-2 days later to remove phlegm white or yellow. Next sputum will multiply, yellow or green.
In severe bronchitis, after most of the other symptoms improve, sometimes there is a high fever for 3-5 days and the cough may persist for several weeks.
Shortness of breath occurs when the airway is blocked. Often found in the sound of wheezing breath, especially after coughing. Pneumonia can occur.
Usually established on the basis of symptoms, especially from the mucus. On examination with a stethoscope to hear the sound ronki or abnormal respiratory sounds.

Other tests commonly performed:
* Tests of lung function
* Arterial blood gases
* Chest X-rays.
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Coughing is not a disease. Coughing is the body's defense mechanisms in the respiratory tract and is a symptom of a disease or the body's reaction to the irritation of the throat due to mucus, food, dust, smoke and so on.

Cough due to certain stimuli, such as dust on cough receptor (nose, respiratory tract, and even the ears). Receptor will then flow through the nerves to the cough center in the brain. Here will give signals to the muscles of the body to remove foreign materials before, until there was a cough.
Acute and Chronic

Cough can be divided into two types of acute cough and chronic cough, they are grouped according to time.

Acute cough is a cough that lasts less than 14 days, and in 1 episode. If the cough is more than 14 days, or occurs in 3 episodes during the 3 months in a row, called a chronic cough or recurrent chronic cough.

Recurrent chronic cough that often attack children is due to asthma, tuberculosis (TB), and pertussis (whooping cough / cough 100 days). Pertussis is a chronic cough caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis. Pertussis can be prevented by immunization DPT.
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Diagnosis and treatment:
Some procedures that may facilitate diagnosis of lung cancer include X-Ray pictures, Thoracic CT Scan, Fine Needle Biopsy, Bronchoscopy, and USG Abdomen.

Lung cancer treatment can be done in ways such as:
1. Surgery to remove one of the lung bagain - sometimes more than the discovery of the tumor and remove all the lymph nodes with cancer.
* Radiotherapy or radiation with X-ray high-intensity to kill cancer cells.
* Chemotherapy
* Drinking oral drug with certain side effects that aim to prolong patient survival.
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Lung cancer is the growth of cancer cells that are not controlled in the lung tissue that can be caused by a number of environmental carcinogens, especially cigarette smoke.

The main causes:
Smoking is the main cause of approximately 90% of cases of lung cancer in men and about 70% in women. The more cigarettes smoked, the greater the risk for suffering from lung cancer.

Only a small proportion of lung cancer (about 10% -15% in men and 5% in women) are caused by substances that met or inhaled in the workplace. Working with asbestos, radiation, arsenic, chromate, nickel, klorometil ethers, mustard gas and coke oven emission can cause lung cancer, although usually only occurs in workers who also smoked.

The role of air pollution as a cause of lung cancer is still unclear. Some cases occur because of exposure by radon gas in the household.

Sometimes lung cancer (particularly adenocarcinoma and alveolar cell carcinoma) occur in people who have lung scarring due to a lung disease, such as tuberculosis and fibrosis.
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YOU frequent headaches, or even sometimes accompanied by vomiting. Watch for these symptoms, because you could be a brain tumor disease that can cause brain cancer?

On brain cancer, there are body cells that grow abnormally. This disease did not happen to many people, but in its spread, the cancer is very frightening.

Neurosurgical specialists from Omni International Hospital, Serpong Tangerang, Dr Alfred Sutrisno, Sp BS, say, there is a difference between the tumors in the brain with a tumor in the other place. In brain tumors confined to the skull so that there is a time to suppress the brain tissue, whether it's blood or tumor.

"Now the emphasis in the brain is what will cause the patient suffered from headaches at first, and also experienced vomiting projectile. It means patients are not eating vomit," said the doctor who is also his profession as a consultant part of this nerve.

The doctor who took the title for a general practitioner at the University of Gadjah Mada was explained, the causes of penyakitini, on the theory, can occur due to genetic abnormalities, such innate craniopharyngioma and others, a virus or ethnic factors. These are still unconfirmed. "The symptoms of this disease depends on the location of the tumor was located," he explained.

Common symptoms can be shown in the form of headaches and vomiting projectile. Then if the motor areas have symptoms of limb weakness to paralysis, decreased vision to blindness, loss of balance, numbness, until no taste at all, disturbance of smell, disturbance to talk when exposed in the central area or speak, until the decline of consciousness when exposed to brain stem
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Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009


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Breast but, with the increasing awareness of women to conduct routine checks on her breasts. So, more day mortality rate of this cancer can be reduced further. Especially in patients under the age of 30 years. But if it turns out this cancer was already residing in your body, given the very rapid development of stage 1 to hopeless only takes less than five years. So you must be willing to do various kinds of tests, examinations and undergo a series of super-intensive treatment. All this was done so that the development of cancer cells can be identified wild spreading rate. This is called the 'stage'. No need to panic, because the progress of medical technology is growing day by day. So there are many possibilities for you to escape from this deadly disease.
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osteoporosis or bone disease is one disease affecting the bones due to reduced bone
mass and density. As a result of osteoporosis are the bones become brittle and break easily due to decreased bone density.
Bone itself is one important part of our body. Bones is a framework that supports our body so we can move. Can imagine if this body of supporting fragile, brittle and easily broken, the result is bone pain, disorders of movement even cause paralysis and permanent disability. Here are some suggestions that you can apply to not experience this porous bone disease.
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Rabu, 02 Desember 2009


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AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is a disease caused as a result multiply HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) in the human body, which it attacks the white blood cells (CD4 cells) that cause damage to the immune system.

When the human body is affected by the HIV virus does not directly cause or suffer from AIDS, but needed a long time and even years for HIV to cause AIDS or HIV-positive are deadly.
How HIV Transmission AIDS
1. Through the blood. eg blood transfusion, infected with HIV + blood on the wounded skin, syringes, etc..

2. Through semen, semen (sperm or semen Men). eg; a man have sex with their partner without using condoms or other security, oral sex, etc.

3. Through the Women's vaginal fluids. eg; woman unprotected intercourse, sharing sex aids, oral sex, etc..

4. Through Breast (ASI). eg; baby drinking breast milk from women hiv +, Men drinking breast milk partner,
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Selasa, 01 Desember 2009


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This disease occurs two combustion sugars in the body is not perfect, so there remains a lot of sugars in the blood and was forced out by means of urination.

Signs of diabetes are:
Patients urinate more than in many usually.urine contains sugar, and place it on the pee marks on ant visited.Petient always feel hungry, thirsty, and increasingly letih.body thin, it's easy to get ulcer disease disease, dental pain, itching in the skin. If a long injury recovery, although very small wound.

HOW TREATMENT diabetes are:
That must be considered truly is about food for the sick should not use foods and beverages that contain sugars and starches such as rice, corn, wheat, potatoes, all kinds of sweet potatoes, papaya, bananas, cocoa, milk, wine.

Foods that are allowed such as:
Vegetables, cucumber, radish, mushroom.
Drinks are allowed such as: coffee, tea and lime juice (all without sugar).
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