YOU frequent headaches, or even sometimes accompanied by vomiting. Watch for these symptoms, because you could be a brain tumor disease that can cause brain cancer?
On brain cancer, there are body cells that grow abnormally. This disease did not happen to many people, but in its spread, the cancer is very frightening.
Neurosurgical specialists from Omni International Hospital, Serpong Tangerang, Dr Alfred Sutrisno, Sp BS, say, there is a difference between the tumors in the brain with a tumor in the other place. In brain tumors confined to the skull so that there is a time to suppress the brain tissue, whether it's blood or tumor.
"Now the emphasis in the brain is what will cause the patient suffered from headaches at first, and also experienced vomiting projectile. It means patients are not eating vomit," said the doctor who is also his profession as a consultant part of this nerve.
The doctor who took the title for a general practitioner at the University of Gadjah Mada was explained, the causes of penyakitini, on the theory, can occur due to genetic abnormalities, such innate craniopharyngioma and others, a virus or ethnic factors. These are still unconfirmed. "The symptoms of this disease depends on the location of the tumor was located," he explained.
Common symptoms can be shown in the form of headaches and vomiting projectile. Then if the motor areas have symptoms of limb weakness to paralysis, decreased vision to blindness, loss of balance, numbness, until no taste at all, disturbance of smell, disturbance to talk when exposed in the central area or speak, until the decline of consciousness when exposed to brain stem
Brain cancer is now-a-days very common. It is observed both in males and females. There are no proper symptoms seen but the main signs and symptoms of brain tumor are headaches, ungainliness, seizures, feeling weak, vomiting etc. This does not necessarily mean that the person is having brain tumor, it may also be an indication of some other disease but these symptoms are quite definite. There are various tests conducted to detect this type of tumor like CT scan, MRI scan etc. For more details refer symptoms of brain tumor